Easy access to ERA5 data for WRF!

We have exciting news for all the WRF modelers out there!

Veer Renewables, in partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and their Open Data initiative, has published multi-year European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts ERA5 boundary forcing files in WRF intermediate format. Data go back to 2000, are updated monthly, and are currently available for the Americas, Europe, and South Asia (see map below).

We’ve also published global ERA5 timeseries files, available in convenient and efficient CSV format, and are also updated monthly. At present, data include 100-m wind speed and direction, 2-m temperature, and surface pressure.

Read more about the dataset here, and find some basic tutorials on accessing the data here.

Our hope is that these datasets will fast track WRF modeling in the community, avoid lengthy queues at Copernicus ECMWF, and get to results and insights faster.

Reach out to
info@veer.eco with any questions, and happy modeling!


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